Hold the Press!!!!

Becca and I have decided that we can’t possibly make it through an entire year without another Leeds sewing meet up.  So we’re doing it all again…. are we mad?!!

Yep, Sew Up North is returning, hopefully bigger and better than last time.

Obviously, that depends on some of you turning up, but we had a pretty good time last time, we heard a few other people say it was OK, so we live in hope!

The date which you need to put into your diaries is Saturday, June 24th 2017.  

The format of the day will follow the same theme; meet up for coffee, mooch about the markets and shops and then meet again for more chat, a charity raffle and a giant free for all ,aka a Fabric and Pattern Swap! Hahahaha!

There are, however, some improvements from last time.

Fabrication were wonderful to us last year, but we did feel that the space was a little small for the number of lovely sewists who turned up.  More room for fabric stroking would be most useful.

And so we have arranged to have a space reserved at the Belgrave Music Hall and Canteen.  This fabulous place is no further from the markets than Fabrication was, but comes with the bonus features of more space and pizza and drinks available for sale.  Not that you have to buy anything, but fabric shopping can be a very hungry and thirsty business….

The second change is that this time around, we have a ticket site for you.  Let’s stress here that this remains a free event; Becca and I are in no way looking to make any cash out of this, we just like an excuse to go fabric shopping and eat pizza and cake….. Well who wouldn’t?!!

There are a couple of reasons for asking you to register for tickets.  Firstly, it gives us some idea of how many lovely people might turn up on the day.  That means that, when we’re trying to organise goody bags and discounts etc, we know how many people we’re talking about.  This allows us to get hold of the right volume of sweets etc.

Secondly, it means that we can let you know who else has signed up.  This will at no point involve your details being shared on the World Wide Web! An email will go out the week before the event, holding attendees’ details in terms of name, Instagram handle, Twitter and/ or blog details, whatever you’ve let us have.

The sign up sheet allows you to opt out of this, which is no problem whatsoever; however, it does mean that, if you’re attending alone, you can have a nosey beforehand and know who you’re trying to find in Costa.  It also means that, if you get home and realise you never got the details of that lovely person you spent several hours talking fabric with, you could pop them a message on Instagram and say hello again.

There will of course be regular updates on here, on Becca’s blog, on Instagram and don’t forget our Facebook page; if you’re not already signed up for that, head over there now!

The Charity Raffle will again be in aid of the Yorkshire Air Ambulance; we’ll announce available prizes on here as they get sorted out!

Ready to sign up? (and to reassure Becca and I that we won’t be sitting alone….not that we struggle to fabric shop or chat!)   Registration is open here. So what you waiting for….sign up now!

Hopefully see lots of you there!

Sal xx

By Admin

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