Hi all!

Thought I would join in this year to make 9 garments that i actually want to make and wear! Rather than just for a specific event, I’m wanting to make more everyday clothes!

I’d rather have ‘me made’ clothes that are comfy and fit my quirky style of prints rather than boring plain one colour ready to wear from the High Street, which I’ve gotten into the habit of buying!

I’m planning to get in summer clothes into the list as we are planning an trip to USA in the Summer holidays where i would def need light and airy garments!

So here are my 9 that I’ve managed to wittle down!

1. Sunny Top by  Friday Pattern Company – Can’t go wrong with a staple jersey top.

2. Kinder Cardi by Wendy Ward from her new book – I always wear cardis for work but never at home so I’d thought I would make this one as it has awesome pockets and more a casual look.

3. Lilly Cami by Sinclair Patterns – holiday wardrobe part 1. With 2 different options and so simple to make!

4. McCalls M7536 Dress – A cute everyday dress. I’ve not had a v neck dress made in a while and love the 3 quarter sleeves.

5. Bea Blouse Simply Sewing Magazine – A nice smart top for work

6. Copenhagen Harbor Boardshorts by Stitch upon a Time – Holiday wardrobe part 2. As it’ll be an adventure with plenty of fun I’ll be able to keep my modesty better with shorts rather than skirts! ?

7. Suki Kimono by Helen’s Closet – I’ve always wanted a nice Dressing Gown, so why not put on my list to to kick my bum into making one!

8. Tilly and The Buttons Slipper Boots – Don’t know about you guys but I am forever going through slippers!! They must be my favourite shoes since i go through them so much! So i thought well why not having a go at making my own!

9. Monsal lounge Pants by Wendy Ward – I never seem to have a pair of lounge about pants it’s always my pjs lol so it’s be nice to have a comfy sensible pair…. rather than mad print pjs in case of visitors and for them to think why is she in her pjs at 1pm in the afternoon ?

There you go folks! My #2018MakeNine is all set and ready to go!

What’s on your on list?

Happy sewing!

Sal xx

By Admin

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