Oh this is going to be one yummy post people, I can’t guarantee that you won’t be wanting your own set!!

The lovely Danni from Oh Sew Quaint had sent me this ever so gorgeous Fondant Fancies for myself to review

They were packaged up with lots of love and care in plenty of Tissue Paper and there they were all lovingly waiting to be opened up! I must say not even out of the box they look absolutely mouth watering!

Once i opened up the Box, i couldn’t believe of how life like they are!! They do look good enough to eat my youngest son see’s them on the Table and asks if he can have a bun!!

They are a great weight too and the box of 8 do the job for placing on a quite a big pattern piece like I’ve shown here whilst cutting out the Moneta Dress by Colette Patterns which was my 1st Design Team Project for Sew Crafty.

The Box is handy in itself to keep them all nice and safe too so its a win win here!

In-case you missed my little video on Instagram here it is showing you how cute they are!!

So if your not sure where you can order these pretties along with Scrummy Doughnuts and macaroons!! yes you heard me right! Then head on over to Danni’s shop at Etsy or over at Sewcrafty to get your Sweet ‘fix’!!

Again a very big thank you to Danni for letting me have such a beautiful and well made set of Pattern Weights!!

Sal xx


By Admin

4 thought on “Oh Sew Quaint Fondant Fancies Review”
  1. Yay, I’m so glad you like them Sally! Thank you for such a fab review 🙂

    I’ve had a lot of people say their children have always been quite disappointed that they can’t eat their new pattern weights, perhaps I should start including a little sweet treat in each package to avoid any tantrums haha!

    Thanks again,

    Danni xxx

    1. Hahaha like the sweets idea but couldn’t guarantee that the kids would have them! It’s just that you do just a fantastic job on them!! They are just awesome!! You should be very proud of yourself on such beautiful creations you make xx

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