When I saw Tracy’s Blog Post about the Swap, I quite like the idea of getting my thinking cap on make up a parcel of Goodies for Someone!

When Tracy posted the List my Swap Partner was Pat of Pat’s Patch.

We had emailed each other quite a bit! Pat is such a lovely Lady and it was nice to get to know her!

So part of the Rules was these;

Some sewing or yarny notions that have a love theme

Something heart shaped or themed

Something deliciously edible

Something handmade

Something red

No pressure eh?

So here is my little Parcel i sent to her;

I made her a Patchwork Scarf in the Colours that she likes, Lindt Choc, who can’t say no to them?!, Heart shaped embellishments, some yummy threads, 2.5m of Jersey and a Pattern to use it for if she liked!

Here’s a pic of Pat wearing the Scarf i made! She said “Beautiful patchwork sewing – you have a really good eye for colour”. Aww Thanks Pat!

Now onto my parcel I’d received!! Wow let you tell you its a fab one at that!! Look at the Ickle parcels!!

Now here are the contents unwrapped!! Fab Polka Dot Cotton Fabric by Rose & Humble and Cat and Piggies Print Cotton Fabric!!  Simplicity 1181 Cat/Dog/Fox/Owl Bag Making Pattern!! Ill def be making a Foxy Bag!! Lisette K1666 H5 Dress, Top, Skirt and Bag Pattern, Sewing machine needles, Threads, Beads, Yankee Candle in Sweet Cinamon oh yes!! Lovely Wool Heart, Elastic and not forgetting the Chocolates and Rock!

I just love my Ms Scarlet “Red” Sweetheart she is utterly adorable!! Love how she has come equipped with her Lancashire passport and Sewing Equipment, ready to give me a hand!! Pat wrote a lovely little note of how Ms Scarlet came about and hoping one day to meet the ‘Yorkshire Chef’ James Martin! I hope so tooo!! Hahahaha!

Big Thanks to Tracy for organising such a great Swap and of course to Pat for her generosity, she even put in the Rock for my Boys!

Sal xx

By Admin

4 thought on “#Send a Little Love Swap 2017”
    1. It was fab idea of tracy to organise and I’m glad pat liked her parcel as that’s the unnerving thing if your recipient will like it

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